The Podcast
Interview with Judit Saunders on living an Intentional Life with Metastatic Breast Cancer - The Five'21 Shift Podcast Episode 007
A pediatric nurse joins us to talk about living life intentionally with metastatic breast cancer. -
Five'21 Shift Podcast, Episode 002 - What PTSD is like and how we moved forward from the symptoms.
In Episode 002 of the Five'21 Shift Podcast we discuss how unique PTSD is, what it was like for us (symptoms) and how we personally moved forward from the symptoms.- #Calgary PTSD
- #Canadian Podcast
- #Five 21 Roasters
- #Five 21 Shift Podcast
- #Five'21 Shift Podcast
- #Kickstarter Campaign
- #mental health
- #military mental health
- #Military mental health continuum
- #Podcast for firefighters
- #Podcast for first responders
- #PTSD awareness
- #PTSD recovery
- #PTSD Stories
- #PTSD symptoms
A Podcast for People who want to Thrive instead of Survive. Inspiration, Personal Development, Mental Resilience and Vitality. The Five'21 Shift Podcast
Here you will find all of the Five'21 Shift Podcasts, simply click on each episode to listen from your browser.
We will be bringing you inspiring interviews with extraordinary humans with incredible careers.
Each will be sharing how they live a life of intent, and ensure that they thrive instead of just survive.
You can also subscribe on I-Tunes! Please make sure to leave a rating so we can spread the word that you can thrive, not just survive this life!
- #About Five21 Roasters
- #Calgary Podcast
- #Calgary Podcasters
- #firefighter mental health
- #firefighter podcasts
- #first responder health
- #First responder podcast
- #first responder wellness
- #Five21 Shift Podcast
- #Five21Shift Podcast
- #Judit Saunders
- #laval st.Germain
- #mental health
- #Mike Kesthely
- #Nova 3 Labs
- #podcast for firefighters
- #The Five 21 Shift Podcast
- #The Five'21 Shift
- #The Five21 shift podcast
- #Trevor Huggins Biography
- #Vince Fowler