· By Trevor Huggins
Five'21 Shift Podcast, Episode 002 - What PTSD is like and how we moved forward from the symptoms.
Hi everyone, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
In front of a crackling fire, we sat down tonight and recorded Episode 002 of the Five'21 Shift Podcast which will be published on I-Tunes Tuesday October 9th! (Keep your ears peeled for the occasional 'pop' of the fire!)
Tonight we (Trevor and Carina) got personal and shared our PTSD stories. We both experienced it in different ways, and wanted to demonstrate how unique it is to each person. We also share how each of us moved forward from the worst of the symptoms and how we continue to manage it.
In this Episode we talk about the Military Mental Health Continuum Model, because it is an excellent way of framing how multi-faceted and fluid mental health is.
It is not GOOD or BAD...and it is much more complex (it affects people in different areas) than we give credit for. We like this model, because it demonstrates that we are all constantly fluidly moving along a continuum and it is more about recognizing not only where you are on the model, but also which direction you are moving. And that right there is one of our main purposes with the podcast, to bring you interviews with people who will inspire you and give you tools to be always moving toward 'the green zone' of wellness, emotionally, mentally, physically and personally.
We'll link the podcast here, so please feel free to say hello in the comments below, we are doing this to open up and increase the conversation around thriving and wellness in our careers, so please remember to keep the comments in that spirit. Cheers!
And exciting news, we have an official Kickstarter Campaign! Please consider supporting us (we will thank you in coffee beans) so that we can grow this podcast and purchase the needed equipment to continue production with interview guests.
- #Calgary PTSD
- #Canadian Podcast
- #Five 21 Roasters
- #Five 21 Shift Podcast
- #Five'21 Shift Podcast
- #Kickstarter Campaign
- #mental health
- #military mental health
- #Military mental health continuum
- #Podcast for firefighters
- #Podcast for first responders
- #PTSD awareness
- #PTSD recovery
- #PTSD Stories
- #PTSD symptoms