· By Trevor Huggins
Interview with Judit Saunders on living an Intentional Life with Metastatic Breast Cancer - The Five'21 Shift Podcast Episode 007
We are honoured to bring Judit Saunders to the Podcast, who is a Pediatric Nurse (based out of Alberta Childrens Hospital), member of our fire department family, board member of ReThink Breast Cancer and absolute champion for living your best life and living intentionally.

On today's Episode Judit takes us into living alongside metastatic breast cancer and we cover some incredible ground in our conversation, including the shift in perspective when you live 3 months at a time (after scans,) the role of medical cannabis in her journey, the importance of friendships, how to avoid becoming jaded in first responder and front line work, and the impact small acts of kindness and small guestures can make.
We were working with some feedback issues on our Mic on this episode (we are still learning!) so we have to apologize for some areas where we had to edit out our questions and splice.
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You can also listen below. Enjoy!