Single Origin Filter: Oh Canada
Celebrating International Women's Day
Roast: Medium
Tasting notes: Tropical fruit, cola, grapefruit
Origin: Single Origin - Guatemala, Antigua Valley
Producer: Maria Zelaya Aguierre
Farm: Finca Pulcal
Variety: 100% Java
Process: Washed
In honor of International Women’s Day, we’re roasting 200 bags of our Finca Pucal Java—an exceptional coffee grown in Guatemala and produced by Maria Zelaya Aguierre.
25% of sales will go directly to paying female musicians to perform at Gravity. If we sell them all, we’ll raise nearly $1,200 to showcase incredible local talent. The funds will be entrusted to our friends at Blue Willow Entertainment, who will book and host these performances at our Inglewood location.
Great coffee, great music, and a great chance to support strong women in the music industry - let’s make it happen!